It can be hard being a grandparent when you don't live close to your precious grandchildren. Traveling back and forth can be hard on the little ones, and quite expensive…especially when you want to make sure you aren't missing any of the important moments that happen in their youth.
The one benefit of being part of a family that does have to travel back and forth to see one another, however, is that each and every visit becomes special and memorable. Long-distance families, like the one featured in this next video, know especially well that the rare occasions they get to be together are also the best times to make big announcements…even if they come in small packages.
When Grandma and Grandpa make the trip to visit their much-missed family, Grandma is so excited to see her grandchild that she is overcome with emotion. Picking her up to cover her in kisses and hugs. She's so excited, in fact, that she misses one big announcement that is printed right on the front of her shirt.
Although we have seen other pregnancy announcements made with the help of an older child before, like the video of the tot who dives right into a cake when his parents announce their new baby on the way, the reactions from families after hearing the great news never gets old!
When Grandma finally reads her little tots shirt, and the entire family gets to share in the excitement, they create a memory that will likely become a story to tell for years to come.
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