Ask any country musician and they'll tell you: performing at the Grand Ole Opry is a lifelong dream, and if you're lucky enough to make it up there, it's a monumental experience of which you want to take full advantage. In February of 2016, contemporary country crooner Josh Turner got his long-awaited turn at Nashville's world famous Opry — but it's what he did for his grandmother-in-law on the stage that's now going viral.
During his set and in front of the live audience, Turner takes the mic and says, "My wife's 98 year old grandmother, her name is Lois Cunningham, and she's gonna come out and play on the Grand Ole Opry stage for the very first time." That's right — Turner invited his wife's granny to take the spotlight and treat the crowd to a heartfelt performance of "How Great Thou Art." It's clear to see this has been Lois' dream for decades, and she's finally getting her chance to play in front of so many fans and friends. She may be in her Golden Years, but boy is she brave!
By the end, I couldn't hold back the tears as Lois receives a well-deserved standing ovation. Josh Turner did a wonderful thing for Lois. It's amazing to see that even at 98 years old, dreams can still come true. Please SHARE this wonderful performance with your friends on Facebook!98 year old grandmother-in-la