Many parents and grandparents have embarked on the wide world of DIY projects in the hope of keeping their kids entertained. What’s more, they’ll have a unique toy or play set that all the local neighborhood children will want to try. It makes for interesting birthday parties!
While this grandpa started small, his dreams certainly got bigger as time went on.
"I got started when, three years ago, I bought a little electric train that our grandkids could ride. They went around in circles, [then] got bored," says Dobbs, and I think anyone with a young child knows what that’s like.
This reminds me of that dad who built a huge training course in his own backyard just so he could spend more time with his family. And maybe it isn’t exactly as big as a theme park, but many parents have been building small racetracks to keep their kids occupied.
In a similar effort to continue encouraging more outdoor family gatherings, Dobbs later put together a few cardboard tunnels — but his grandchildren lost interest in that, too. What’s a man to do in this brave new world of iPhones and iPads?
Build a theme park in the backyard, of course! It's aptly named Dobbsland, too, in case you forget the brains behind this operation.
Perhaps this enormous undertaking was achieved because Dobbs is actually a former Boeing aerospace engineer, or maybe it was sheer determination and love for his family. I’m going to go with both on this one! They all certainly look very entertained now.
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