Two vastly different generations sit side by side, poring over hundreds of old photographs and newspaper clippings from the past. Shannon wants to know more about her grandfather, Bob Lee, so she set up a camera and started filming as they delved into his history — from the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 all the way to today.
“But this isn’t a story about Pearl Harbor,” Shannon says, gazing down at the image of her grandparents — younger, newly married — who smile back up at her.
In this short film, 70 Years Later, we’re taken on the journey of Bob and Jean (fondly referred to as “Jeanie” by family) and their love that has outlasted every obstacle imaginable. Despite the fact that Jeanie now suffers from dementia and isn’t able to recognize her family members anymore, miraculously, she still knows the face of her husband.
And perhaps, after watching this heartfelt film, you’ll understand why that is.
This reminds me of the grandson who recorded his mother and grandma every time he visited for a whole year, or that little granddaughter who tried sending a letter to her grandma without any address. Too cute!
Many times, I felt tears welling up in my eyes whenever Bob offered words of comfort to his grandchildren. This is clearly a family who deeply love one another, and I think that’s the greatest reward in the world for any parent.
Bob and Jeanie’s love will live on, and we’re all very lucky to hear about their story!
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70 Years Later from Shannon Thorp on Vimeo.