The utter pain, grief, and despair are unmatched for parents who have tragically lost a child. Some might equate it to losing a part of themselves that they can never get back.
This video posted by Wonderbot shares the story of Daisy Holland, who raised her son Bradley all on her own after her husband Howard died when Bradley was just 11 years old.
Daisy did the best she could to provide Brad with the kind of love and care that he would have received from both a mother and father, but Brad continued to miss those traditional bonding experiences he used to have with his dad.
Like a lot of single parents, Daisy overcompensated with Bradley at times, like when she bought him his own car when he turned 17. She warned her son about the dangers of speeding and reckless driving, but tragically, Bradley got into a terrible car accident that eventually claimed his young life.
As you can only imagine, Daisy was absolutely distraught. She felt as though her entire world had collapsed around her with the death of both her beloved husband and teenage son in a matter of years.
She would spend her days and nights watching Bradley’s baby videos and looking at old photos as she sobbed herself to sleep.
One morning she found herself awoken by a knock coming from her back door. Daisy was quite weak and disoriented, as she hadn’t eaten in days, but she attempted to make her way to the back door.
When she got there, she found a young boy who was a carbon copy of her late son. She immediately thought to herself that this must all be a dream. It couldn’t be Bradley, as Daisy had just buried him, but who could this young man be who looked exactly like him?
To find out Wonderbot's incredible story of what happened next with this bereaved mother, watch the video.