Acts of kindness come in all shapes and sizes. If you actually sit down and think about it, there is no limit to the kind things that you can do for someone else.
Even the tiniest of good deeds is still bound to brighten someone's day. And when it comes to good deeds, that's all that matters — that you make just one person a little bit happier, even if it's just for a moment.
Whether you're a teen using your paycheck to donate school supplies to someone less fortunate than you at Walmart, or simply signing to a deaf customer at your after school job, you're making a positive difference in the world around you.
This is something that Barb and John Meyer know well. A few times a week, the Meyers head over to St. Mary's Hospital at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and hand out flowers for the visitors to bring to the patients.
And while this may seem like something small, you haven't seen the flowers yet!
The Meyers aren't just picking weeds from the garden, they're growing prize-winning gladiolus on their farm.
These flowers are really something else, and they're 100 percent guaranteed to brighten up any room, even if it's just a little bit.
And to Barb and John, that's all that matters.
Please SHARE this amazing act of kindness with everyone you know!