When it comes to who does the cooking in the family, almost every household is different.
In some cases, families split kitchen duties. In others, men prefer to take charge in the kitchen. Even some dogs have cooking expertise, like this funny puppy with his own cooking show.
But several decades ago, it was not uncommon for a woman to bare the brunt of the cooking responsibilities.
But as both women and men age, it can become difficult for them to carry on their same routines, especially if they are diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia.
Though it's always a difficult diagnosis, families and friends have plenty of amazing resources to take action. Some seek out special classes to cope with a loved one's memory loss, others turn to care givers to help out around the house.
But a particular group of men in Montreal is taking another route to help out their wives with Alzheimer's. They are learning to help around the house — specifically the kitchen — by taking a cooking class!
Check below to learn more about this program and the elderly men who are learning from it.
[H/T: Cbc.ca]

The Alzheimer Groupe Inc. (AGI) in Montreal, Quebec, has many different resources for patients living with Alzheimer's and their loved ones.
Their various programs range from support groups to caregivers on wheels.

But one program in particular is enabling husbands of patients to help out more around the house while teaching them a fun new skill.
Their "Men in the Kitchen" initiative teaches elderly men how to cook!

The 8-week course is broken up into 3-hour sessions where the students shop for the meal's ingredients, then are instructed on how to prepare them.

The course also focuses on nutrition and how to prepare meals that are both delicious and healthy.
It also aims to broaden the culinary skills for those who, at least, know how to make basic meals or grill.

Since Alzheimer's can prevent individuals from remembering to perform certain tasks, it can potentially strain a household if that person is specifically in charge of a certain task.
Teaching these men to cook, whose wives may have done most of the kitchen work, can help them feel like they can manage the household and take care of their spouse when they need them.

The course is also a great way for students to meet other husbands who have similar circumstances.
Programs like these help patients and their loved ones feel less helpless and more empowered when it comes to dealing with a difficult diagnosis.
To see a class in action, be sure to watch the video below!
If you admire these loving husbands and believe it's never too late to learn something new, please SHARE on Facebook!