Father's Day is just around the corner. And much like Mother's Day, it's bound to be a little different this year. Sure, many states have options for outdoor dining, which is definitely an option. But you might not be able to celebrate with a bunch of friends or family members as you would have in previous years.
This year just may go down as being one of the most unconventional Father's Days of all time. Sometimes, dads choose to go out and celebrate their day with a beer and a movie. Other times, they just want to take their kids out for a day and celebrate with them. But this year, they may need to stay indoors. Or at least closer to home. Luckily, there are plenty of other great ways to celebrate dad this year. Remember, it's more about the people you're with than where you go.
There are a lot of reasons why the dad in your life will appreciate if this day turns out extra special. He may be stressed out about trying to navigate through all of the unexpected life obstacles we're going through. Or maybe he's just a little tired and worn out from too many video chats. While working remotely can be great for some, it's harder on others to separate work life from home life, especially when there are rowdy kids at the home office. Father's Day should be his day to shut off his phone and totally relax.
Here are 11 great ideas that'll help make his Father's Day even more special.
1. Make Him Breakfast in Bed

This is something you can also involve the kids in, making it a wonderful gesture and a mini-cooking lesson all in one. Let dad sleep in today while you prepare something quick yet tasty. Eggs, sausage, bacon, and pork roll are always a win. If you happen to have fresh bagels or toast, even better.
Breakfast in bed is even more special if your typical plans are to go out for brunch. It's keeping the tradition alive but adding a personal spin.
2. Plan a Family Game Night

It should be something that everyone can participate in, but something that's still appropriate for younger kids, if you have them. So, sorry — Trivial Pursuit might not be the best choice. Games like Clue, Uno, or Guess Who? will work well.
Have creative kids? Maybe they can invent a game for dad to play that night. It'll keep them occupied, and it'll also serve as a sweet memory.
3. Bake a Bunch of Cookies Together

There aren't a ton of cookie holidays in the summer. Why not change things around? Consider it prep for the winter holidays, when your oven usually gets more attention.
You can make a batch of his favorites, along with a new kind picked out by your kids. That'll add a special element to the baking. They'll always associate the new kind of cookie as being one they chose to celebrate their dad.
4. Throw Him a Father's Day Party Online

Get all the dads you know together for a Zoom session. He'll be glad to be able to see some friends and feel special about being a father. If there are any new dads in the group, or dads-to-be, it'll also be a great platform for him to give a little bit of pro advice.
The gathering doesn't have to be big. But it'll be great for him to have a digital meetup that, for once, has nothing to do with work.
5. Decorate His Car

Unless he's really picky about the care of his vehicle, this will be a nice little surprise that he won't expect. Plus, the kids will have a lot of fun with it. It's a great way to let him know that he's special and that you're all lucky to have him.
If car decorating isn't something you'd normally do, it'll be one of the most memorable Father's Days of all time. He can even take a victory lap around the neighborhood to show it off.
6. Sign Him Up for an Online Class

Even if schools are closed, there are still plenty of places to learn online. Whether it's a fun course put out by a college or a MasterClass hosted by his favorite celebrity, it'll be a great gift. If you want to enroll together, even better — you can use it as a chance to both dive into a new hobby.
If he's mentioned a desire to learn guitar, or cook, a quick Google search will match you up with something great.
7. Have a Backyard Campout

If the dad in your life is really into nature, this will be a cute way for him to share some of his interests with his kids. And June is usually a pretty good time to go camping. Even if Father's Day weekend brings rain or bad weather, an outdoor camping arrangement can always be postponed until things seem sunny and clear.
8. Reflect on Old Memories

Whether you have one child or six children, it's always sweet to look back at old memories from when you first became parents. These photos are keepsakes, and it's possible he's never had a chance to really look back at them. You can also take the time to show your kids what your life was like before parenthood hit. They'll be interested in seeing their mom and dad having adventures before they even came into the scene.
9. Set Up a Nice Bath for Him

If you're a fan of the show Friends, you're probably aware of the fact that, yes — men enjoy baths too. They just might not know how to do it right. It's a great gesture for you to set him up with a relaxing bath so that he can have a little bit of time to unwind. He'll feel much more rejuvenated, and it's a lot less expensive than a spa trip.
10. Make Him a Personalized Book

There are a lot of companies that'll do that for you. But you can create an even more personal memento by having your children create the whole story. Together, you can illustrate and laminate a book that'll focus on dad. It'll be something he'll hold dear forever, and your kids will feel like real authors.
11. Send Him a Free Father's Day Card From Evite

Dad will appreciate the sweetness of a good old fashioned Father's Day card like this one from Evite. But it's actually not old fashioned because you can upload it with a video message or a DIY drawing the kids have done just for dad!