For whatever reason, it's been said that music has some pretty incredible healing abilities. Whether it be the simple act of listening to a song that brings you back to happier times, which helps out your emotional health, or even the act of singing these old songs, there's just something that's almost magical when it comes to the effect of music.
Last Valentine's Day, Myron Hermance was a patient for hospice care. Hospice care is a philosophy of care that focuses on the palliation of the terminally ill or seriously ill patients. The amazing people who work for hospice have some of the most emotionally draining jobs in the world, and their commitment to treating every single one of their patients with respect is incredible to experience.
But a lot of people don't realize that hospice is there to help people heal as well. Myron Hermance managed to "graduate" from hospice last Valentine's Day. He would often listen to his wonderful wife play the piano, which always helped to sooth his soul.
As he slowly managed to get healthier and healthier, he even begun to sing his favorite song with his wife accompanying him at the piano.
So on the one-year anniversary of his graduation, hospice asked him if they could play another little concert for them all; this time, things were a little bit more cheerful!
Please watch this beautiful video if you want to see the picture of true love.
And please SHARE this beautiful video if you're happy that Myron is feeling healthy again!
We see many patients who improve with hospice care and are able to leave our program…like Myron Hermance. Last Valentine’s Day, when he was our patient, he brightened our holiday by singing a love song accompanied by his wife Alicia. So to celebrate his “hospice graduation” as well as Valentine’s Day 2016, we asked the Hermances back for an encore!
Posted by The Community Hospice on Sunday, February 14, 2016