The greatest kindness you can show others is giving something up, without expecting anything in return.
You can be surprised by who the truly generous people are. Based on looks, it's easy to assume if someone spends very frugally, they'd never be willing to donate their money.
Ronald Read was a 92-year-old retired janitor and WWII veteran. He drove an old car and did his very best to never waste a penny if he didn't need to. His favorite flannel shirt was held together by safety pins.
Despite acting like he didn't have much money, Ronald was a millionaire and no one knew it. He amassed an $8 million fortune that sat virtually untouched for years. Thanks to smart investments in the stock market, Ronald made a lot of money.
After Ronald passed away, his attorney was surprised to find out his safety deposit box was stuffed full of stock certificates. The total came out to the $8 million and only Ronald knew he had all this money.
After years of receiving kindness from others, he wanted to give back. He left his fortune to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and the Brooks Library, which he frequented often, in the amounts of $4.8 million for the hospital and $1.2 million to the library.
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