The Duggar family has happy news for the day: Jinger Duggar Vuolo has shared that she and her husband, Jeremy, are expecting a second daughter later this year. This is Jinger's third pregnancy and follows the tragic miscarriage she suffered last year.
Jinger and Jeremy told People all about the news:
“We are so excited. Felicity is going to have to have a sister. Everything looks great with the baby. We’re so thankful. Had a lot of check-ups and we’re just really, really excited.”
Jinger also shared that their toddler, Felicity, kind of gets what’s going on … but not really:
“We told her, but she doesn’t quite understand everything yet. Not being 2 yet, but she, she comes up to my belly and says, ‘Baby. Baby.'”
The pair opened up about the miscarriage that they experienced last fall, which sadly happened the day after they told their families they were expecting a second child.
Jeremy said, "The morning after we announced to family that we were expecting, Jinger woke up and, woke me up very early in the morning, saying that she thought she lost the baby. We found out later that day that she had. That was very difficult and definitely a trial for us."
Jinger added that the pair called on their faith to get them through it: "In those times when your faith is tried, you just run to God all the more. We were just praying together talking with family, had friends at our church here that just surrounded us. It was such a hard time, but Jer just really supported me, and it was just such a tremendous blessing to have many people who loved on us in that difficulty."
The news of this third pregnancy has been happily celebrated by everyone, and Jeremy says that it's very comforting to know this baby is doing OK. "Having that little one healthy in the womb, and growing strong, is so exciting."
On Instagram, Jinger wrote:
“We are so excited to announce that we’re expecting a little girl this November! Jeremy and I both guessed it was a girl, just a gut feeling we had. And we couldn’t be happier.”
She also noted that she knows all about how special the bond between sisters can be:
“The bond that sisters share is unique, and one I cherish every day. After all these years, they’re still my best friends! I’m glad God’s giving that gift for Felicity to enjoy.
"As for me and Jeremy, we'll definitely have our hands full! But there's nothing else we'd rather carry ❤️."
Jeremy also added his own post to Instagram, writing:
“And then there were four…
"Felicity's recruited a little sister to join her squad!
"Recently, she's been practicing her big-sistering on dolls, cradling and shushing them to sleep. Pretty soon, she'll be holding a real baby. But she's ready, and so are we.
"Life is beautiful! We are praising God for this precious little gift."
Jinger and Jeremy's daughter, Felicity, was born in July 2018. The happy parents shared, "Felicity weighs 8 lbs and 3 oz, and is 19.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are healthy, doing great, and resting well. We are very thankful for her safe arrival and look forward to life as parents!"
Jinger isn't the only member of the family to be welcoming a new member this year. Joy-Anna is also pregnant after suffering her own miscarriage in 2019. When she announced her previous pregnancy, Joy-Anna wrote: "Our favorite math is addition and we are very excited to share that the Forsyth family is adding a member! Marriage and being a mom and dad to Gideon has already far exceeded our expectations. We are looking forward to loving another little one and seeing what special dynamic he or she brings to our family. Table for 4 sounds perfect!"
Sadly, Joy-Anna announced her miscarriage two months later. Fans of the family were thrilled when she updated everyone on March 18, confirming that she's pregnant again. "Yes… it's true! @austin4site and I are PREGNANT again! It's been quite the crazy journey these last few months, but we are so thankful that mom and baby are healthy!"