Handwriting Expert Decodes What Kate’s And Prince William’s Signatures Say About Their Marriage

It's been seven years since Kate Middleton married Prince William, and the couple appears to be more in love than ever.

As members of the royal family, Kate and William aren't overly showy or open about their marriage. Unlike Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, they're not hugely into PDA, either. But luckily, we have one surprising way to tell how things are going for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. According to handwriting experts, the couple's unique signatures can tell us a lot.

Handwriting experts used a recent copy of Kate's and William's signatures to interpret their personalities and compatibility. Experts use things like legibility, letter shape, and other details to draw their conclusions.

"[Kate] writes bigger and [William's] handwriting is more withdrawn," Michelle Dresbold, handwriting expert and author of Sex, Lies, and Handwriting, told Good Housekeeping. "She embraces the attention and he doesn't mind it. He wants to be loyal and let her shine."

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You can tell that Kate is the more open member of the royal couple because of her clear, legible signature.

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit Germany - Day 1
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The period at the end of her name is also important.

"That basically means, 'I'm the best, period,'" expert Michelle Dresbold told Good Housekeeping. "People who are really assured of who they are and know they're the best in their field will put a period after their name."

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Kate also has a ballooning "T" with a strong cross.

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"The wider that upper 'T' stem is, the more sensitive they are. If a person has a wide 'T' like that, they're sensitive to personal things, how they're perceived, and about their job," the expert explained.

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The strong cross, on the other hand, indicates that Kate is a hardworking achiever.

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Kate's "T" and "C" are also rather tall.

Michelle said, "When you have high upper loops it means the person puts emphasis on thought process and intellectual pursuits."

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Kate's signature is worlds apart from her husband William's.

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit Germany - Day 1
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William's signature barely looks like a name at all. It's illegible, which Michelle said is very telling.

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"When you have a signature that you can't make out, it means the person does not want the public to really know much about them. It's his way of saying, 'You don't have to know about me,'" explained Michelle. This makes sense, given that Prince William has lived his entire life in the spotlight.

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However, William does make sure to dot his "I" directly over the stem, which means that he's a loyal person.

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William's spacing is also an important sign.

Michelle explained, "You'll notice a teeny-tiny space between the 'I' and the first 'L' in William. That tells me he lifted his hand to write the 'I' and dotted the letter right away. When you do that, it's because you're very smart and efficient. Your brain is thinking far ahead."

Kate's and William's signatures are different in a lot of ways, but they also share some similarities.

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit Germany - Day 1
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Both of them write in the middle of the page, which means they value being part of a larger family or community.

Kate's signature is quite a bit larger than William's, which Michelle said means that they complement each other well.

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William's signature is "withdrawn." He's content to stay out of the spotlight and let his wife enjoy the attention.

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And she's more than happy to shine bright in that role.

This couple seems truly perfect together, and we always love seeing them.