Kate Middleton’s Work Schedule Revealed As Her Aides Defend Her Title As A ‘Working Mom’

The Daily Express recently released a story that details the decreased number of working royals. Apparently, the Windsors haven't been doing the same number of events this year, and the decreased number of workers plays a role. The story discussed Kate Middleton as well, sharing that the Princess of Wales works Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. She also takes the summers off.

"Juggling a full-time job with being a hands-on parent isn’t easy for any of us," the story read in part. "Meetings, work calls, drop-offs, pick-ups… the to-do list is endless, and that’s when everything goes without a hitch. Spare a thought, then, for the Princess of Wales, who is rising up the ranks as a senior royal, while simultaneously trying to raise three children under ten."

The story continued on to answer the question of "How does she do it?" in terms of juggling her status and raising kids. "Well, aside from a rota of assistants and Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, her devoted Norland nanny, behind the scenes, it’s all down to careful planning, especially in terms of timing and location."

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The story claims that all of Kate's engagements over the past eight weeks have been within a 30-mile radius of her home, and that they've taken place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., so she can be present for her children before and after school and not miss bedtime.

Royal biographer Ingrid Seward calls this a work of Kate's "extremely logical mind," adding that any mother would wonder how she does it. "From the very start, Kate has been organised and disciplined," she shared.

"She gets up very early in the morning, and she is able to have a say on which engagements she will and won’t do, and discuss in advance which days she wants to work," Ingrid continued. "It’s extraordinary — somehow she also manages to fit in working out, getting her hair and makeup done, and still being there for the children. But don’t forget she can delegate, and she has a lot of help, which most women don’t."

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days where Kate will accept engagements that require her to travel further from home. She also rarely appears at royal events on Mondays or Fridays.

So far this year, she's only been out of the country once to attend a wedding. She's also only traveled outside the 30-mile radius of her home only three times.

Also, rather than many evening outings that she used to frequent with Prince William, she has shifted to more daytime engagements. And it appears that with the kids' summer break approaching, her schedule is pretty clear.