As a parent, when your child’s behavior or routine suddenly changes and they don’t talk to you about it, it can be a real red flag to signify that something is going on with them.
Ken Amante, an 8-year-old boy living in the Philippines with his parents, was always a responsible and conscientious child. He was allowed to walk home from school by himself, but when his father, Barry, noticed his son arriving home later and later, he knew something was up.
Barry made his living working as an auto mechanic and always made a point to give his son some pocket change to have on hand. Oddly enough, though, it seemed that Ken’s allowance kept disappearing lately as well.
After watching his son’s behavior for about two weeks, Barry decided to follow Ken on one of his mysterious after-school excursions in order to get some answers.
Barry watched Ken enter the local grocery store with an empty backpack and come out with it bulging. After that, Ken began to walk down the road into what some might consider “the bad part of town.”
After Ken turned the corner, with his dad Barry not far behind, he suddenly came to a stop in the middle of the road. He pulled out what appeared to be cans of dog food and put the food on some disposable plates. Suddenly, Ken was surrounded by three stray dogs who he clearly knew were in need of feeding.
Even though Barry was concerned about his little boy interacting with stray dogs who could carry infectious diseases, he was inspired by his son’s selfless actions and agreed to help keep them fed.
To learn the amazing story of what happened next and how this family continued saving local animals, watch the video in full.