Swedish Royal Guardsman Plays Along With Kid Who Mimics Him

Royal guardsmen are famous for their stoic, intimidating presence. In fact, their poker faces are so good, it's common for visitors to try to get the guardsmen at Buckingham Palace to try to crack a smile…and very few succeed. So when this little boy started pretending to be just like a member of the Swedish royal guard, I didn't expect the real guard to do anything except stare him down. But what happened next completely made my day!

It's clear that this little boy's dream is to be just like the palace guard in front of him. He seems to have paid a lot of attention to all the proper movements, and he even has the serious face down pat. But even so, I was not expecting the guard to play along with the kid's antics. It seems like this little boy will have a much fonder memory of his time with the royal guard than this little girl had when she met the Queen of England!

The guards outside Buckingham Palace have very strict rules they need to adhere to, so when they behave like this guard who made a bunch of spectators crack up, they can get into some big trouble. But even if the rules for the Swedish royal guard are the same, I doubt that this man will face disciplinary action for his special moment with his biggest fan. He managed to do his job and make this little boy's whole day in just one minute. I think this will be a memory that neither of them will ever forget.

If this special interaction between a guard and a little boy made your heart melt, SHARE this video with everyone you know!