When kids are growing up, the most interesting things about their dolls and action figures are usually the accessories. Accessories say a lot about a person. As we get older, we develop our own standard sets of accessories. We even make jokes about it. It's usually some variation of wallet, phone, keys, water bottle, etc.
Kids don't consistently have to carry the same things in their pockets from day to day. It makes what they do take with them that much more interesting, though. It says something about who they are and what they like at a certain age. It's a freeze-frame of that one point in time.
SavingSpot talked to parents around the world about what's in their kids' pockets, then shared the results for six kids between the ages of 4 and 6 from five different countries. The parents took pictures of what was in their kids' pockets at the end of an average weekday, and then both parents and kids answered a few questions. The findings and answers are heartwarming and totally sweet.
Dante, 5 Years Old, Argentina

Dante has a lot with him for a 5-year-old. He's got candy that comes with a temporary tattoo, some random scraps of plastic, a toy, a pebble, some coins, a scrunchie, a seashell, and a picture card. "I like to save little treasures," Dante explained.
When asked what were his favorite things to keep with him, he replied, "Candies and a little golden elephant that my dad gave to me."

Dante's parents, who are used to finding strange things in his pockets, say his things are reflective of his personality.
"Dante has a very observant eye, loves details and little things," they said. "He is always looking for treasures to collect and include in his adventures. He loves nature."
"Dante is very social and used to keep gifts from his friends in his pockets, or candies to share with them. He likes saving money in his piggy banks for meals, future travels, or toys."
Brigid, 4 Years Old, USA

Brigid keeps it simple when carrying things in her pockets. On this day, she had seashells, a stone, a conker (horse chestnut), and a car key. "They were my treasure collection from when we were playing pirates," Brigid adorably explained.

Brigid wishes that she could keep her dog, Juno, in her pocket. It wouldn't be the strangest thing that's been there. Her parents once found a handful of baking soda in her pocket.
"Brigid loves things that are beautiful or shiny, and her collection definitely seems to reflect that!"
Wyatt, 4 Years Old, UK

Wyatt had toy cars, a marble, a pebble, a stick, a mini T. rex, some Legos, and a cereal bar.
"It's a good stick," he noted. "I like dinosaurs. The transformer is called Warpath. It's Batman's car. I want this ball for my birthday. I like the stone. He's Snoopy's friend. The orange car is good."

"Experience has taught me to never be surprised by what Wyatt manages to stash in his pockets," his parents joked. "Even so, this is a particularly diverse collection of his usual favorites."
"There's no better way to sum Wyatt up than by the contents of his pockets," they continued. "He has quite long curly hair and is often mistaken for a girl by strangers, but his pockets reveal what a typical boy he is."
Nadya, 5 Years Old, Ukraine

Nadya had lipstick, play money, coins, and a bunny doll in her pockets. There's one thing she wishes she could carry, even though it's against the rules. "It's slime because mother forbids to do that," she said.

Nadya's mom was surprised at what she found in her daughter's pockets, although she's used to finding different trinkets. "Every time, especially after a walk," she said.
She felt the choices reflect Nadya's personality: "It determines her internal world and level of fantasy."
Bilal, 5 Years Old, India

Bilal had a tissue, a credit card, coins, and cars in his pockets. Cars are his favorite. "They are colorful and beautiful and I like to play and spend my time with them," he said. "I love to play with the coins because they are shiny."

Bilal's parents were surprised at what was in his pockets. The biggest surprise was the credit card, which they didn't know he had. His mom wasn't surprised by the cars, however.
"My son is obsessed with his toy cars," she noted.
William, 6 Years Old, USA

William had a Transformer, a Harry Potter Lego figure and toy cauldron, and gummy bears in his pockets. He explained the method behind his picks. "Harry can have adventures with me wherever I go," he said.
"The candy is for after lunch. The Transformers pieces belong to Optimus Prime."

The only surprise for William's parents was that the candy in his pockets wasn't covered in lint. They once found Skittles in his pocket with all the color licked off them.
"He's obsessed with both Harry Potter and Legos right now," his parents said. "He still has a good stash [of candy] leftover from trick or treat night."