When someone dies, a certain number of people are affected, usually because of the sadness of the loss. Many, like family members, friends, and even coworkers, go through a period of grief before attempting to resume their daily lives.
Rarely do deaths encourage people to feel lucky, relieved, or even happy. But when one elderly man passed away, the school he worked for, and all the people in it, couldn't have felt more thankful.
Why? Because the 77-year-old left the institution a hefty sum of money!
Robert Morin spent 50 years of his life as a cataloger for the University of New Hampshire library. The whole time, he led a simple life, and managed to save money from year to year.
At the time of his death, it was revealed that he had over $4 million in savings — and every penny was to go to the school!
His only request was to put $100,000 toward the library. After all, that was where he spent most of his time, and where he watched 22,000 movies and read almost 2,000 books in chronological order. That's true dedication!
While the school will certainly miss his presence, it is grateful for the tremendous and generous gift that will benefit the students and staff, and make the university a better place.
Please SHARE if you think this kind librarian donated his money to a worthy cause!