No one can quite explain the strange and powerful fascination kids have with fire trucks.
Take this tiny toddler, for example, who just spotted one outside his window.
Although we can’t see the truck that’s got him zooming around the house and screaming with joy, we can’t help but get caught up in the boy’s whirling sense of wonder.
“The fire truck is here!” he says in the video below, posted by his dad.
"Where?” Mom calls from behind the camera.
“On the street!" the boy yells. "Right here! It’s so exciting!”
Well, exciting if you’re into non-emergencies involving a fire truck releasing water pressure from a hydrant. Or if you happen to be this totally freaked out kid. Or, if you just happen to be watching that kid's incredible reaction.
“It's a fiiiire truck!”
Yes, kid. That sure is a fire truck.
But we all know who the real star of the show is. Children have a way of stealing the scene like that. Remember that little boy who erupted into tears of joy when he found out he was going to be a big brother?
Or the little girl who got so caught up in a street dancer’s moves she decided to join her with adorable results?
Note to parents: This kid knows exactly what he wants for his birthday. Maye start with a toy version first.
If you got caught up in this boy’s heartwarming wonder, please SHARE this story!Inform Embed: