I have a large amount of respect for parents who adopt children in need of a good home.
Just as animals who have been abandoned need to find a loving family, young children are often left without loved ones to care for them. I very much admire parents who are open-hearted enough to welcome a child into their home.
So when I saw this story about a couple who adopted a young boy named Lincoln, I immediately wanted to know more. But his adoption was just the tip of the iceberg.
Charity and Brenton Robinson live in Gladewater, TX. They adopted Linc, as he is affectionately known, who they now love and care for as their son. Unfortunately, Linc suffers from several language and sensory disorders that make him terrified of other people, neither wanting nor being able to communicate. Charity and Brenton feared that Linc would never be able to live a normal life. That is, until something absolutely incredible happened at the rodeo one day.
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h/t Liftbump
Charity and Brenton brought Linc and their other son Tripp to the Gladewater Round Up Rodeo. Linc seemed to be enjoying himself, but someone caught his eye.

Out of nowhere, Linc approached a complete stranger, grabbed his arm, and began to talk about the bulls at the rodeo. Linc's parents could not believe what they were witnessing. He was actually talking and communicating like a typical boy his age!

Charity snapped a picture of Linc with the stranger and posted the picture along with a heartfelt letter to the man on her Facebook page. Within a few short days, her letter was shared over 130,000 times and, as a result, they were able to reconnect with

Charity's Facebook status reads:
"Dear stranger next to us at the rodeo,
When my son came up to you and grabbed your arm, you didn't know he used to be terrified of people. When he talked to you about the bulls, you didn't know he was diagnosed with a language disorder. When he jumped in your lap and laughed as you tickled him, you didn't know he had a sensory processing disorder. You also didn't know as his mother, I sat in my seat, with tears running down my face, sneaking this photo. When we adopted him a few short months ago, we didn't know how long it would take for him to laugh, play and engage others like this. You didn't know any of this, but you took time to connect with a child who has had to fight to learn to connect. My heart is full. Thank you."
As if Linc's interaction weren't miraculous enough, the mystery stranger turned out to be a preacher at a nearby church! The day after the rodeo, Charity and Brenton took the boys to see Jason Taylor, the preacher, at the Bar None Cowboy Church.

Charity wrote on Facebook, "When we went to bed I had no idea when I woke up that post would be shared by so many. I also had no idea God's plan for us was to drive 45 minutes to his church to be blessed by Jason, his message and his sweet congregation. So lucky that God made sure our paths crossed last night."
"Linc sure loves his 'Cowboy Friend'! We are so blessed God brought that stranger at the rodeo into our lives and really received a blessing at church!"

In addition to all of their story's shares online, there has been an immense outpouring of love for their family. Charity wrote about her viral post, "I still can't believe this is happening. You never know whose life you can touch through a kind word or action. Be the difference you want to see in the world."
Charity and Brenton continue to shower Lincoln and Tripp with love and are truly grateful for their new friend Jason and that Lincoln has been able to make such a miraculous leap with his disorder. "Let God's love show through your actions. There is plent

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