Little Girl Can’t For The Life Of Her Figure Out A Slice Of Pizza

We all have those days. You know the ones — seemingly nothing will cooperate with whatever you're trying to accomplish. They're the kind of days that gave us that old Murphy's law adage, and the little girl in the video below is totally having one.

A very special thank you to America's Funniest Home Videos for resurfacing this gem. Someone gave this little girl a slice of pizza but presumably forgot to include the instructions because she cannot seem to figure out how the thing works. This video is nearly 30 seconds long, and for every single one of them, she tries all manners of attempting to land the cheesy triangle in her mouth — but to no avail.

Despite the fact that this little cutie's furrowed brow makes for a pretty hilarious video, let's assume that after a minute of watching this poor child's futile attempts at eating her food, someone stepped in to lend a helping hand (or, at the very least, a fork and knife). Because Heaven knows that there's nothing worse than losing a meal, and this little girl appears to having a food case of the Mondays.

Here's to hoping she finally mastered the mysteries of a pizza slice.

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