It's common for little children to be curious enough to play doctor, particularly when it comes to "treating" and taking care of their baby dolls!
I know that when I was really little, I carried around a doctor bag and would frequently check the "heart" of each of my dolls to see whether it was still beating.
On Twitter, one girl recently posted about how her little sister takes "playing doctor" to a whole new level!
Katelynn, also called @sassykattx on Twitter, recently shared a few photos of her sister's way of playing doctor — and the results are pretty interesting!
Is this something you ever did, or tried to do, as a kid?
Scroll down to check out this unique way of "performing surgery."
Photos: Twitter / sassykattx

Katelynn, also known as @sassykattx on Twitter, is a 22-year-old from Texas. She thought her little sister had a strange proclivity when it came to playing with dolls, so she thought she's share a few photos online.

Apparently, Katelynn's sister has a very unique hobby. She likes to cut the faces off baby dolls, as she explains in this tweet.

An up-close photo of the baby doll in question certainly looks a little disturbing without its face or clothes, but at least Katelynn's sister is curious!

Katelynn's sister had the genius idea of removing one doll's face and putting it on another doll, as seen here. That's definitely a healthy curiosity there!

After thousands of people had shared and replied to her tweet, Katelynn felt it necessary to add that, no, her little sister isn't a serial killer — but an aspiring doctor!

Some Twitter users weren't too sure about this form of doll surgery, noting that it reminded them of a few true crime documentaries from Netflix.

Another user noted that these photos reminded them of the villainous Sid from Toy Story. Sid also liked to play with dolls, but we're pretty sure he wasn't interested in medicine, at least.

One Twitter user was not only a bit impressed by Katelynn's sister's handiwork, but wanted to see more! I don't blame her. I'm also interested in seeing how far this "obsession" goes.

When another Twitter user named Ian added that his doctor brother enjoyed similar activities, Katelynn let us know that her sister is keen on pursuing plastic surgery. Playing with baby dolls like this is definitely the way to go, then!

Fans of The Office were quick to swoop in and compare the sister's handiwork to Dwight's infamous scene from the sitcom, and I can't say I wasn't similarly reminded of it!
Have any of your siblings ever done something like this with baby dolls?
Please SHARE this story, and find out if any of your Facebook friends did this as a kid!