Woman Gives Birth On The Cold Pavement Less Than One Hour After Hospital Turns Her Away

Going into labor is both a scary and exciting time for most moms-to-be. Many women begin labor slowly, which means they have time to worry about the pain to come.

The idea of welcoming a new baby in just hours is thrilling, though.

Most moms have birth plans they try to stick to — whether that's doing a natural birth at home or immediately getting medical attention at the hospital, parents-to-be tend to know what they want to do before labor begins.

Lizzie Hines and her husband planned to go to the hospital once Lizzie's labor started, so when she started having contractions on December 22, 2016, they made their way to the hospital.

When they arrived, though, they were turned away. Lizzie's labor apparently wasn't far enough along for her to be admitted.

But less than an hour later, Lizzie delivered her son on the pavement across the street from a strip club.

[H/T: BuzzFeed]

Facebook / Lizzie Hines

A year after Lizzie Hines welcomed her baby boy Louis to the world, she shared his insane birth story on Facebook.

Her post quickly got a lot of attention. Within four days, it had over 4,500 likes and over 2,600 shares.

Facebook / Lizzie Hines

Lizzie wrote:


I’m not much of a face booker, but this seems like the best way to go about this….


To the person who gave away their scarf to a stranger on a cold day and wrapped up my sweet baby Louis, I’m wondering if I can find you?

Louis was born on the pavement opposite Spearmint Rhino on Tottenham Court Road a year ago this week – 22 December 2016 at 7am.

Google Maps

Some parts of this stranger than fiction experience are still very vivid. I remember so clearly lying down, seeing the ankles of commuters around me and knowing what was about to happen. I remember the feeling of Louis’s limbs rushing out of my body.

I remember trying to tell everyone that he had been born into my pyjamas – ‘he’s here!’ and the incredulous face of my husband. Then pressing Louis against my skin.

Facebook / Lizzie Hines

I don’t remember getting up off the pavement, the cheers of strangers declaring it a ‘Christmas miracle!’, the faces of the people, or who wrapped us up.

Public Domain Pictures / George Hodan

An amazing someone ran to get a wheelchair. Another amazing someone – an off-duty doctor (who first thought I was a noisy drunk) came through the crowd and declared Louis healthy.

Some people from the crowd found us later in the hospital which is a bit of a blur, one was a happy weeper from Venezuela?

Surgery Bed Hospital Doctor
Max Pixel

There is a longer tale about being turned away from the hospital an hour before Louis arrived, and the thorny issue of how women should be cared for in early labour (I’m sure there will be revolution in this before long).

But thankfully Louis was absolutely fine and this was a euphoric and beautiful birth, and a strangely festive entrance!

Facebook / Lizzie Hines

So, the scarf. If you can share this picture I’d be very grateful (here’s me and Louis on the street, and Louis still snuggling in it now).

It feels like a fitting week to return it and introduce my babbling, toddling baby to a member of his welcoming party.

Lots of thanks and Christmas love! xxxx

Pixabay / andriusm

A spokesperson for the hospital told BuzzFeed News, "After Mrs Elizabeth Hines gave birth last December, we carried out an internal investigation so that we could learn from her experience and reduce the risk of it happening again. We have also apologised to Mrs Hines."

Facebook / Lizzie Hines

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