Lori Loughlin’s Daughters Are Deeply Struggling With Both Their Parents Being In Prison

Olivia Jade and Isabella Giannulli are experiencing their first week without their parents.

Lori Loughlin's daughters are on their own as both of their parents spend time in their respective federal prisons. Lori is already close to halfway through her two-month sentence. Her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, began his five-month sentence last week.

The Giannulli girls are reportedly struggling without their parents, sources tell People magazine. Both are incredibly upset at how the situation turned out. Lori and Mossimo were sentenced to jail time for their roles in the "Varsity Blues" college admissions scandal.

Lori and Mossimo paid over $500,000 in bribes to get the two girls into the University of Southern California. They were presented to admissions as crew recruits despite the fact that neither girl participated in the sport.

Unlike some of the other students who were admitted based on false credentials, all signs point to Olivia and Bella being perfectly aware of what was happening. While they may feel bad about the fact that their parents ended up in prison, they’re playing it cool on social media. It makes many wonder just how bad they feel about their role in how everything went down.

This week marks the first full week that actress Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, are both behind bars. Lori has served almost half of her two-month sentence, while Mossimo just turned himself in on November 19. He will serve a five-month sentence.

We've heard a lot about what both Lori and Mossimo have done to prepare themselves for this time. However, we haven't heard much about how having both of their parents in prison during the holidays is weighing on their daughters, 22-year-old Isabella Rose and 21-year-old Olivia Jade. Now a source is opening up about what the first few days of this have been like for the two.

"It's just a nightmare for them," a source told People magazine.

"They were very upset when they said goodbye to Lori. But to have both of their parents now in prison at the same time is very upsetting."

Lori should be home by the year's end, but they're still very nervous about what can happen between now and then.

"They are beyond worried," the source noted.

"They can't wait to have their mom home in December, though. They try to focus on this."

Lori's been trying to stay strong for them. She's hoping her quick sentence will allow her to put this all behind her and possibly spend some of the holiday season with her daughters.

"Lori was upset but is putting on a brave face for the family. She's trying to be strong. She's ready to get in and out and close the door on this chapter," another source told E! News.

"She said goodbye to Mossimo and was accompanied by her lawyer to prison," another source explained.

"She was very nervous but she wanted to go first and get it over with. It's been hanging over her head for so long. She is hopeful that she can be home for the holidays and put this behind her."

Olivia and Isabella have not spoken publicly about their parents' legal battle. They haven't commented on what they did or did not know about the bribery itself. Olivia has alluded to what's going on in one of the handful of YouTube videos she's posted since the scandal went public.

"Obviously I've been gone for a really long time and as much as I wish I could talk about all of this, it's really hard for me to say this just because I know that it's something that needs to be addressed," Olivia says in the video.

"It's just unfortunate, which is also why I didn't know exactly when I should come back to YouTube, but the reason for that is just 'cause I'm legally not allowed to speak on anything going on right now.

"A part of me is like, should I come back to YouTube right now, 'cause it's been so long and I actually really, really miss it."

"Like, I genuinely miss filming," she continued.

"I feel like a huge part of me is just not the same because this is something that I'm really passionate about, it's something I really like to do. But I also didn't know, I debated for like, seven or eight months, like, well if I can't talk about it, is there a point in coming back, and not being able to say anything? I want to come back because I want to come back."

Both young ladies are staying active on Instagram, as well. Last week, Olivia posted a photo showing off a cute outfit. Later, she shared an outfit shot from inside a store, wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a cap.

Isabella has been keeping busy with friends. She shared a photo with Jim Belushi's daughter, Jamison Belushi.

"thank god you're here … " Bella captioned the photos with Jami.

"This is the best I can do and I want to move on with my life — not trying to be in a selfish way," Olivia concluded in her video.

"It's so hard because I'm not trying to make this about me or, like, how I've been because that's not the point of this, although I'm terrified to make this video and to come back."

Olivia and Bella seem to be going through the motions of life as usual. It's impossible to know if it's a front for Instagram or if they're really at peace with everything. Either way, this thing will be behind their family in a matter of months. It will be interesting to see what the Giannulli family does after the dust settles.