I can say with absolute certainty that the following video is something you don’t see every day — or any day, for that matter. (Keep in mind, there’s some mild language.)
73-year-old Carl Moore of Placer County, CA has a unique relationship with his dog Lacy, whom he cares for like a daughter. When the tiny Chihuahua happened upon a large bear in her backyard and began whimpering, Moore sprung to action. But as CBS News points out, he didn’t take traditional procedural measures; he forewent the option of having to wait it out until Fish and Wildlife services arrived.
As the bear neared Lacy, probably thinking her an easy target for a possible meal, Moore decided to act. In an apparent attempt to distract the bear, Moore raised his hands above his head and began yelling at it. Seeing that the bear remained unfazed, Moore claims he then rushed the bear…and punched it square in the face! This bear had evidently messed with the wrong family, as Moore asserts it hasn’t been back “since he got smacked by Carl.”
"The man or beast that I run from ain't been born, and his mama's already dead," Moore tells CBS News.
While we don’t condone violence against animals, one could argue Moore was protecting his little one, Lacy.
What do you think of this absurd story? Let us know in the comments!
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