Becoming a mom really changes the way you see the world. Pretty much every part of your day gets altered to revolve around the new tiny human being under your care.
Artist Chelsea Carr of Mom Comic depicts some of these little daily activities that come along with being a new mom. From reminiscing about how clean your home used to be to learning the woes of potty training, being a new mom isn't all glamorous.
But it's all worth it!
These cartoons are sure to be totally relatable for all moms, not just new moms. After all, it never really does get easier, does it?
What do you remember most about being a new mom? What have you discovered so far as you are learning how to be the best new mom you can be?
Please SHARE these funny and true cartoons with your family and friends on Facebook!
It's never the right time or the right place, is it?

To be fair, this doesn't go away with adulthood.

Does the breastfeeding ever end?

Oh, to have the time to worry about clutter.

Why's everything have to be so darn complicated, and why are kids so smart these days?

Honey, you'll never be ready!

You've just got to dive in!
Please SHARE these fun comics with your fellow moms on Facebook!