It’s Tough To Be A Mom Right Now — Here Are 7 Ways To Practice Gratitude Anyway

Prior to 2020, we all knew being a mom was tough. But then 2020 rolled in and took things to the next level.

We may have moved into 2021, but that doesn't mean that things magically got easier the second the clock struck midnight on January 1. Most of us are still overseeing our children's Zoom school classes, we're working from home, and we're simply managing the best we can.

But if there's one thing we've learned about getting through tough times, it's that staying grateful truly helps us remember what matters. It keeps us sane — and sometimes promotes happiness.

Being a mom might be tougher than ever, and it's totally OK to throw our heads back and sob every once in a while. But if we can hold onto what's truly important, we'll have a much better outlook as we embrace a new year.

Here are seven simple ways to practice gratitude in 2021:

1. Make Daily Lists

Finding gratitude is not always easy. But last year, we learned a lot about what we really need. We had to get rid of a lot of things, like going out to bars and restaurants and gathering with friends — things that generally bring us life! But it made us reflect on what we have, even when we're tired, lonely, or bored. When it's really hard to see the good things in life, starting your day by making a list of three things you're grateful for — whether it be your kids, a place to rest your head at night, or a sunny day — can help shift your mentality in the best way.

2. Practice Meditation or Breathing Exercises

Even if you aren't a yogi or a spiritual person, per se, there are tons of benefits that meditation or breathing exercises can bring. First off, they offer an opportunity for us to slow down and think about, well, nothing! Focusing on your breath can allow you the opportunity to let go of what doesn't serve you and sit in the present moment. It sounds simple enough and it truly is, but having that quiet time each day can open up a world of gratitude. Beginner meditators can simply sit in a comfortable position, close their eyes, and take a few minutes to focus on nothing but their breath.

For moms especially, it may begin to feel like a nice breather (pun intended) from the hustle and bustle going on around the house all day.

3. Talk to Your Kids About What They're Grateful For

Adults aren't the only ones having a tough time right now. Kids are especially hurting. They aren't able to hang out with friends or even go to school, in many cases. It's not an easy time to be a young person, that's for sure! But kids have a unique way of being experts at adjusting. It's not unlikely that they are more resilient than us (we're too set in our ways).

Ask your kids what they're grateful for. You may be surprised by their answers or that, even though things have shifted so much in their lives, they still have what they need.

4. Get Outside

There aren't a lot of things we can do right now, but one thing that has been helping people stay mentally sound is getting out in nature. That's likely going to continue to prove true in 2021. While we're on our way to normalcy, we still have a ways to go. Getting outside whenever you can — whether for a walk, a hike, or a distanced chat with a neighbor — can really make you feel a little more connected to the world around you, and with that, a little more grateful for it.

5. Make Epic Plans

Your plans may have to wait a while longer, but that doesn't mean you can't make them! Making plans that excite you is fun and will certainly make you feel more grateful that the time we're living in now will be a thing of the past before we all know it. So take the time to plan that dreamy vacay, that bucket-list item like riding in a hot-air balloon or going scuba diving. Whatever it may be, make the plan and feel grateful that one day you'll wake up and that will be the day your plan actually happens.

6. Download a Gratitude App

If you really are struggling to feel more grateful in your life, you might need an extra push! Downloading a gratitude app can help. There are tons of free apps that can not only help you find more to be grateful for but also provide prompts to support your mood, outlook, and overall happiness each day. Whatever it takes to get into the habit of practicing gratitude is probably a good thing! Apps like Live Happy make it a part of your schedule.

7. Wake Up a Few Minutes Early for Time Alone

One of the toughest things about searching for gratitude when you're a mom is having the time to slow down and reflect. Time doesn't often land right in front of you, though. So you have to seek it out. You have to make the time if something really matters. One thing that doesn't require a big shift is waking up just a few minutes early for some quiet reflection. Enjoy your morning coffee or tea before the kids wake up, and realize that those moments, on their own, along with so many other things, are something to be grateful for.