Natalye found herself in a seemingly impossible situation after fleeing an abusive relationship. She couldn't afford childcare for her sons and desperately needed to work in order to pay the bills.
That's where Alma Johnson comes into the picture. Natalye started dropping her sons off at Alma's apartment. Seven days a week, for as long as she can remember, the grandmother's home is filled with kids in need of care while their parents are working… and she doesn't charge their parents a dime.
Many children in the Crowley community and beyond are in need of food, supplies and clothing. Weekly babysitters can cost hundreds of dollars the parents simply can't afford. "They're working people and if they don't go to work, their kids won't have a roof over their heads," Alma says.
Alma knows the hardships of scraping by firsthand. She grew up in Crowley with a single father who was forced to search through trash piles to find clothing for her and her siblings.
So, one day, Alma made a very special promise… and as you're about to see, she's made good on that promise in the most incredible way.