It's the call no child wants to get, but as our parents get older we come to live in fear of each day. Daniel Nemis' mom, Sophie Nemis, is 99 years old. She happens to be in pretty great shape and live a mostly independent life.
One day, Sophie was taken to Seven Oaks General Hospital in Canada for a twisted ankle.
Daniel hadn't heard from the hospital for days and began to grow suspicious. Then, he got the heartbreaking call.
"'Daniel? Daniel? Daniel?' in a gentle voice, a soft voice from a nurse," Daniel recalled to CTV. "'I'm sorry, your mother passed.'"
Like any son would be, he was hysterical, sobbing in tears. Then he asked how a twisted ankle could cause his mother to die? The nurse paused, took a second look at her information, and realized she made a mistake and called the wrong person.
Another woman had died, not Sophie. The nurse had gotten the two mixed up somehow. Daniel was reasonably upset.
"A patient had passed away overnight, and the nurse coming on shift was responsible to call the next of kin," the health authority told ABC News in a statement. "The nurse looked at the wrong page in the chart binder, realized part way into the call that she had the wrong name, and apologized profusely."
Daniel is glad that his mom is still alive, but hopes that hospitals will be more thoughtful when delivering such heartbreaking news. Sophie is expected to turn 100 years old this December and is looking forward to it.
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