Mom Holds Separated Conjoined Twin For The First Time Since 27-Hour Surgery

The past few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster for the entire McDonald family.

Just over a year ago, twin boys Jadon and Anias were born conjoined at the head.

And although their parents thought they were perfect just as they were, it was the medically sound decision to separate the boys and give them each a chance at their own healthy life.

The Illinois family traveled to New York for the surgery, which lasted 27 hours and was, thankfully, successful.

Anias was prone to seizures before the surgery and is recovering much more slowly than his brother.

Thanks to Jadon's quicker recovery, mom Nicole was able to hold him, by himself, for the very first time in their lives.

McDonald called the moment she peered down at Jadon, all alone in her arms, the "most profound" of her entire life.

She said it's something she's been dreaming about for the past 13 months, since the boys were born.

Though the boys still have quite a bit of recovery ahead of them, it's these small moments that give families the strength to persevere through tough times.

The McDonald family is certainly strong already, and we're wishing their boys a speedy and full recovery.

Please SHARE this amazing moment with everyone you know!