This video from Wonderbot tells the story of a man who was riddled with nightmares and years of pain after he was told that his baby died during labor, only to discover 14 years later that it was all an elaborate lie.
According to Wonderbot, David was making his way home on a flight after the love of his life, Andrea, went into labor a week prior with their first child. When he arrived home, his soul was completely crushed when he was told that his baby had died during childbirth and had already been laid to rest.
Utterly in shock, David collapsed into tears. He had already planned to take a long paternal leave to be with the baby and had cute plans for the nursery.
Andrea told him that they'd had a baby girl, but she had “orphaned” them and taken all their happiness with her.
“My baby, why didn’t you wait for me to come home?” David cried. Andrea took him to visit a little gravesite that evening in the cemetery.
It took years for David to come out of his dark hole, and he hoped to try again for more children, but Andrea convinced him that her doctors told her that it just wasn’t a healthy decision for her.
Fourteen years went by, and David moved on with his life, but he always felt this urge to be a father. He decided to do an at-home DNA test to learn more about his family tree. When the test results came back, David discovered that he had a 99% match with an anonymous girl.
To hear more of Wonderbot's story about his wife’s deep, dark secret and how David learned that had been a father this entire time, watch the video.