They've been dubbed "The Awesome Threesome." This performance was filed at the Leisure World Retirement Home during the annual variety show put on by staff members and residents. The three you see below are just over 70 years old, and they absolutely wow'd the crowd with their performance honoring the late Michael Jackson.
We absolutely love their amazing attitudes and approach to living life to the fullest. While too many people around them were busy saying, "you're too old for that!" these three amazing gentlemen were busy choreographing their dance moves and buying their amazing costumes!
These are the kinds of people who refuse to let something as silly as age slow them down. Just like the "old" lady who stunned a whole crowd with her amazing dance moves, these three guys really know how to get their feet moving!
This video just goes to show that age really is just a number, and that just because their in a "retirement home," doesn't mean that they should stop having fun! These inspiring men really know how to work the crowd, and we're sure we'll be seeing more incredible viral videos from them in the near future! Bless these men to live for another 40 years!
Please SHARE this amazing video if you think age is just a number!