Betty and Bill Withers are absolutely in love. They met in 1948, married in 1950, and 66 years later, they found themselves at their favorite restaurant Tide's Inn, celebrating their wedding anniversary. Little did they know a nosey customer was watching and listening in on their conversation.
The pair are practically in puppy love and anyone who sees them might notice they're always holding hands. During their dinner Betty told the waitress they were celebrating their 66th anniversary.
"It’s a special occasion for us. I said it’s our 66th wedding anniversary," Betty told the waitress.
The server walked away but when she returned she had a note from someone who had been listening in on their conversation.
“It went on to say that the dinner was on him or her or whoever it was because there was no signature,” said Betty. “I asked the waitress ‘are you kidding me?’ She said ‘no,’ I said ‘can you tell me who did it?’ She said ‘No, I can’t tell you.’”
The waitress, Jessica Cartner, was happy to be the messenger. The stranger was adamant about staying anonymous — always a sign the person just wants to do a good deed and isn't at all interested in the praise that comes with it.
Cartner believes the other diners were taken aback by the couple's long devotion to one another. That's something you don't see quite often these days.
“Well, there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage but we never had any real problems either. We’re still in love,” said Bill.
Please SHARE this amazing story if you Betty and Bill are lucky in love!