For many elderly people, the holidays can be a very lonely time. If they have no family close by, or family who can travel, they are left alone and must rely on the generosity of neighbors and strangers.
Such was the case for 94-year-old World War II veteran Herman Perry. With family out of state, only his neighbors were looking out for him. And when they didn't see or hear from him over the course of a couple of days, and after he wouldn't answer their phone calls, they decided to call the police — just to be sure.
Officers Natalie Nunez and Abel Torres responded to the call, and when they showed up at the veteran's apartment, they found that he was fine. The veteran simply didn't hear the phone ringing, and couldn't get around because of a recent injury.
But when the 94-year-old said that it was nice to have visitors, the officers felt that they couldn't leave him. They sat and chatted with him for some time, before returning to work — with plans to return to the veteran's home.
Around 1 a.m., they came across a Christmas tree vendor, who agreed to open up shop just so the officers could purchase a tree for the lonely veteran. He even gave it to them free of charge, and threw in some lights!
The officers didn't stop there: the next day, Nunez and Torres went back, and brought Herman more Christmas presents, and even helped him clean his apartment. The grateful veteran says that all he could say was "Thank you."
If you think these officers went above and beyond for this Army veteran, please SHARE!