One of the most exciting parts of the pregnancy process is learning the gender of your baby.
Whether you wait for the doctor to tell you when you're giving birth or if you find out during an ultrasound, it's amazing to learn if your little one will be a boy or a girl.
Once you learn the sex, it's a blast to throw a gender reveal party for all your friends and family.
Although most people find out their baby during an ultrasound appointment with their doctor, there are many old wives' tales that claim they can tell your baby's gender without an ultrasound!
You may have heard some of these old wives' tales about gender from your mom or grandmother, but some of them may come as a complete surprise to you.
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Since some of these are old wives' tales, they may not be exactly accurate, but they can definitely be fun to try if you're expecting and don't know the baby's sex yet.
Read on to learn some more of these incredible baby predictor tests!
[H/T My Baby's Heartbeat Bear]
Gender Predictor #1: Skin Changes

Many pregnant women may notice changes in their skin as their pregnancy progresses.
It's said that carrying a girl will bring out all the oil in your skin, while carrying a boy will give you drier skin.
Gender Predictor #2: Acne

Like skin changes, one thing pregnant women may notice is a difference in their acne.
The extra oil apparently caused by carrying a girl can make you break out, while carrying a boy probably won't change your acne.
Gender Predictor #3: The "Glow"

Although some people think every pregnant woman will get "the glow," according to My Baby's Heartbeat Bear, one of the old wives' tales claims that only a boy will give you that lovely pregnancy "glow."
Gender Predictor #4: Linea Nigra

The linea nigra, which is the dark line some women get straight down their belly, can apparently be an indicator of gender.
If the line stops below your belly button, you're said to be carrying a girl, but if the line continues above the belly button, you're carrying a boy.
Gender Predictor #5: Baking Soda Test

The baking soda test, which is said to be 80 percent accurate, is relatively easy to perform.
All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of baking soda with your urine.
If it fizzes, it's a boy; if nothing happens, it's a girl.
Gender Predictor #6: Hair Texture

Many women notice that their hair texture changes during or after pregnancy — apparently this can indicate your baby's gender.
If your hair becomes limp and dull, you're having a girl; if your hair gets thick and glossy, you're carrying a boy.
Gender Predictor #7: Body Hair

Like the hair on your head, you may notice a change in your body hair as well.
If your body hair starts growing fast and thick, you're carrying a boy.
If you don't notice a change in your body hair growth, it's a girl.
Gender Predictor #8: Weight Gain Placement

Some pregnant women notice that they gain all their weight in their bellies, while others gain weight all over their bodies.
It's said that if you carry all your weight in your belly, it's a boy; if you carry your weight throughout your body, it's a girl.
Gender Predictor #9: Foot Temperature

If you notice that your feet are a lot colder than normal, it's said you're probably carrying a boy.
If your foot temperature doesn't seem to have changed, you're carrying a girl.
Gender Predictor #10: Foot Growth

Lots of women experience foot growth and swelling during pregnancy — sometimes it only lasts during the pregnancy, but other times it lasts forever.
If your feet stay the same size, you're apparently having a girl, while boys are said to add half a size to your feet.
Gender Predictor #11: Cravings

Pregnant women often experience strange food cravings — but apparently these can also indicate the gender of your baby.
If you crave sweet foods, you're carrying a girl; if you crave salty foods, you're carrying a boy.
Gender Predictor #12: Carrying High/Low

Many people know this old wives' tale: the height of where you're carrying can tell you the gender of your baby.
If your belly is low, you're carrying a boy, but if your belly is high, you may have a little girl in your womb.
Gender Predictor #13: Dad's Weight Gain

It's said that the amount of weight that dad gains may indicate the gender of your babe.
If Daddy remains as slim as ever, you're having a boy, but if he gains weight, you're having a girl.
Gender Predictor #14: Headaches

Apparently whether or not you have headaches can indicate your baby's gender.
Bad headaches can mean you're having a boy, while no headaches indicate a girl.
Gender Predictor #15: Sleeping Position

The way you naturally fall asleep can actually tell you your baby's gender.
If you fall asleep on your left side, it's a boy; if you fall asleep on your right side, it's a girl.
Gender Predictor #16: Nipple Color

Your breasts change a lot during pregnancy, and one thing you might notice is a darkening of your areolas.
If the area around your nipples don't change color, you're having a girl, but if they darken, you're having a baby boy.
Gender Predictor #17: Breast Size

You may notice that your breasts grow at different rates during pregnancy.
If your right breast is bigger than your left breast, you're carrying a boy. If your left breast is bigger than your right, you're having a girl.
Gender Predictor #18: Clumsiness

With all the changes happening to your body, it's reasonable that you would struggle to get comfortable with your new proportions.
If you're clumsier than normal, you might be having a boy, but if your clumsiness level doesn't change, you're probably having a girl.
Do you know of any other old wives' tales about gender? Let us know in the comments below.
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