According to today’s standards, most of us shouldn’t be alive…and our parents should've gone to jail! If you were raised between 1940 and 1975, chances are your parents broke today's laws in at LEAST one of these ways. My mother was wonderful, and she broke a grand total of 4 of these crazy laws. Read on for the hilarious list of things your parents would actually be arrested for in present day America. Things just ain’t the same anymore. Please SHARE with current generations if you’re proud that you survived! HAH!
#1. Hanging Out In The Neighborhood WITHOUT Supervision!

Did you grow up wandering the neighborhood like the guys in the classic movie The Sandlot? In other words, was your mother not 100% sure where you were at any given time…and it was it possible that you WEREN'T being supervised? Well, she could be arrested for that today! Earlier this year, a dad was arrested because he let his 8-year-old son walk home a mere mile from school.
#2. Taking Adorable Bathtime Photos

If you're like me, your mom has photos of you in the bath as a baby. "Baby's First Bath" photos are the same as saving a lock of hair from "Baby's First Haircut!" Back in 2008, a couple was arrested because a guy developing their film thought the photos of their daughter's bath time were a little too racy. A judge ruled that the couple was harmless, but not before the children were taken from the parents for a month while the courts hashed things out. An entire MONTH!
#3. Seatbelts

Unless you're in a parade or on private property, you're likely to get arrested for having kids in the back of a pickup truck these days. (Never mind the truck, my mom used to let me slide around in the back of our old Chevy before ANYBODY even had seatbelts in their backseat!) One must admit, seatbelts save the health and lives of many people, so perhaps this is one item on this list I don't regret.
#4. Snapping Hilarious "Half-Dressed" Photos

Like any loving father, Wyatt Neumann shared portraits of his 2-year-old daughter, Stella, while on a roadtrip on his Instagram account. He posted photos of his daughter being a normal 2-year-old: on the potty, insisting on wearing the same rumpled fairy dress for two days in a row, and jumping on the hotel bed naked. Since Neumann was already a noted a photographer, his work got seen by A LOT of people. While he wasn't arrested, Neumann was accused of indecency (and much worse) and lashed back with an exhibition on our present-day affinity for sexualizing even the innocent.
#5. Allowing you to gain "too much" weight

If you were a little big as a kid, you were probably bullied, but chances are you WERE NOT taken out of your parents care. Today, that's not guaranteed. In 2011, an extremely overweight child (200 pounds in 3rd grade) was removed from his mother's care because courts ruled that "she wasn't doing enough to help him lose weight." Remarkable.
#6. Regular Old CHORES

"My mom used to drop me off at the grocery store to get all the groceries for the week with a blank check or her credit card to which I would sign her name — this was years before I could drive," shared one user on cafemom.com. I'm sorry…is that a bad thing? Provided the child is old enough and knows not to leave with strangers?
Did I leave anything out? Please leave a COMMENT below…and don't forget to SHARE this crazy list with all of your friends.
H/T: Yahoo.com