Mike Julianelle started his blog and Instagram account Got Toddlered to have some fun with parenting and show off the not-so-fun side of being a mom or dad.
"I, Dad and Buried (aka Mike Julianelle), am a 41-year-old Brooklyn dad who is sharing my experiences as a father, and whining about the ways the existence of my sons are destroying my social life," he wrote on his blog.
He shares funny photos of the "downside" of being a parent, such as trading a fridge full of beer for apple juice or children waking you up at all hours of the night.
While everything he posts is said in jest and he adores his kids, his honesty is resonating with parents all over the world. For the month of October, and to celebrate Halloween, Mike asked parents to send him their scariest photos showing off what they look like before and after having kids.
Throughout the month, he's been uploading the photos to his Instagram account, and it's making parents everywhere chuckle.
Keep scrolling to see all the silly photos, and please SHARE on Facebook.

Brooklyn dad Mike Julianelle, 41, started a blog and an Instagram account called Got Toddlered to poke fun at how people transform after becoming a parent.

With his own two kids, nicknamed "Detective Munch" (left) and "The Hammer" (right), Mike knows the ups and downs of parenting.
On October 13, 2017, Mike asked parents to send in photos of themselves before and after having kids, and he received an overwhelming response.

Mike started by posting a photo of himself before and after having kids.
His caption read:
Wanna see something REALLY scary? Here’s me, before and after I had kids! Want to play along? This October, I’m opening up @gottoddlered to your submissions of your scariest “Before and After Kids” pics!
From there, he posted the scariest submissions from parents all around the world.

A mom named Kristin sent in her "before" and "after" photos that were taken only four months apart.

Many new parents can probably relate to Megan's "after" photo, where she's lying face-down on her bed.
Gone are the days of Megan staying out late!

Mike's caption for this photo said it all: "I don’t know what you’re talking about, parenting doesn’t change a th— never mind. Carry on!"

Anyone with kids knows that there is no such thing as personal space after you have a child.
From climbing all over you to showing up while you're going to the bathroom, kids don't care about boundaries.

This tired mama knows all too well that she probably won't get a full night's sleep until her child is off to college — but she loves her kiddo anyway!

Rebecca went from doing her hair and makeup to throwing on any clothes she could find and putting her hair up in a bun!
Mike jokingly captioned the photo: "I’d say @rebeccajennea looks pretty proud of herself in that first pic. Unfortunately, parenthood crushes us all!"

Mike related to Karen's two photos.
He captioned the photos: "All bright-eyed and youthful on the left, and just straight DONE on the right. Haha. Hahahaha. Condolences all around!"

Linda used to see drinking wine as something fun. Now, she's doing it to cope with having kids.
"Kids can even drain the joy out of drinking," Mike captioned the photo.

Brett's facial expression changed dramatically from having no kids to being a mom. "In 2012, the future was bright," the caption read.
One thing's for sure, though: these parents wouldn't trade anything in the world for the chance to raise a child!
Please SHARE this post on Facebook with family and friends if you can also relate to these parents.