2 Daughters Burst Into Tears When Mom Completely Surprises Them With Adopted Baby Sister

If you have ever watched videos of children getting surprise gifts and loving them so much that they burst into tears, causing you to burst into tears, then this story will definitely bring on the waterworks.

Usually, the surprise videos we see are of children getting a puppy or even a bike, but this surprise is better than any bike you could ever buy.

Inside Edition shared a video to its YouTube channel of a Texas couple adopting a baby girl. Shane and Kasi Pruitt have four children, two biological and two adopted. They started the adoption process for a fifth child but didn’t expect their prayers to be answered so fast.

Soon after their adoption process started, an adoption lawyer contacted the couple, matching them with a 3-week-old baby. Inside Edition interviewed dad Shane Pruitt over Zoom, and he said that when he and Kasi got married, adoption was always something they wanted to pursue.

The clip shows two of the daughters playing at the counter in the kitchen when their mother walks in holding their new baby sister. The youngest daughter at the kitchen counter screams, “Are you kidding me!” Shortly after, they both are literally jumping for joy.

The oldest daughter slowly approaches her mother and new sister and puts her hands to her face and starts shedding tears. This is the moment that I started crying. Happy tears from children are a whole new level of heartwarming.

We see a family picture of this stunning family, and just by looking at them, you know these parents have hearts of gold. Shane and Kasi didn’t expect their daughters to react the way that they did, but they loved every second of it.

Shane said, “You know we’re not perfect as parents but at that moment it felt like we were doing something right.” I can definitely agree with Shane on this one, because they seem to be the type of parents we all strive to be.

To view this heartwarming meet-and-greet, click the video!