Susan Daniels always noticed something about her adorable little girl, Samantha, though she never spoke of it. There was something distinct about her appearance: Her ears were large and protruding.
This wasn't a big deal, until Samantha started school. The kids would call her "Dumbo," and tease her. Samantha's self-esteem was taking a big hit. Susan let Samantha know that she could get surgery to pin back her ears, but she wanted it to be her little girl's decision.
"It wasn't until a full year later that she actually came home sobbing that she couldn't take it anymore," Susan said. "She'd been picked on just one too many times. And she just said, 'I'm ready. Let's do it.' "
The family thought long and hard about this drastic measure. They wanted Samantha to have the right values and believe in herself, but they saw that she was hurting.
"This was affecting how she felt about herself. She was becoming quiet, wasn't as outgoing, this was affecting who she was. And we didn't want it to get worse and knew this was the path she was on," Susan said.
Samantha says that she finally feels beautiful and likes her appearance, now that she has had the surgery. Without fuel for the fire, the bullying has stopped.
What do you think of this family's extreme solution to stop bullying? Let us know in the comments!
Please SHARE if you believe children should never be made to feel that their looks make them unlovable.