Monaco’s Princess Charlene Is Remaining In South Africa Over Her 10th Anniversary

Princess Charlene still has yet to return to Monaco after her South African trip, and many international royal fans are suspecting the worst.

It's no secret that despite their upcoming 10th wedding anniversary, Charlene and Prince Albert II's relationship has not been ideal. There have been multiple times she's tried to leave the marriage, and many are speculating this could be one them.

To recap, Charlene was only supposed to be in South Africa in late May for a few days. When it came time for her to appear at the Grand Prix, which she was to be the guest of honor at, she was unable to. At the time, she was allegedly stuck in South Africa with some sort of respiratory infection. A month later, there are now claims other medical problems are keeping Charlene there, but many are skeptical.

It's been about six weeks since Princess Charlene left for a trip to South Africa for conservation work. The trip was only supposed to take a few days, but it's turned into much longer. Those who follow the princess's story are curious as to what may be keeping her away from Monaco.

Officially, Charlene stayed in South Africa after contracting some kind of ENT infection and needed treatment that would keep her from traveling. She missed the Grand Prix, where she was scheduled to be the guest of honor.

Fans of Prince Albert II and Charlene are now wondering whether she will make it back from South Africa in time for the couple's 10th wedding anniversary. They will celebrate 10 years of marriage on July 2. People have noted it doesn't seem like a particularly happy marriage.

Those who have followed their story know that Charlene has tried to escape the marriage before. She's also openly been sad about her circumstances in Monaco.

"People are very quick to say, 'Oh, why isn't she smiling in the photos?' Well, sometimes it's hard to smile," Charlene said in a 2019 interview, per the Daily Mail.

In a tough year for her, she saw two friends die and her father undergo surgery. She often lamented being homesick.

While the royal family hasn't said whether or not Charlene will return by the couple's anniversary, Charlene's spokesperson says she will not make it back because she only just had her most recent procedure, after her health situation required multiple procedures.

"This year will be the first time that I'm not with my husband on our anniversary in July, which is difficult, and it saddens me," her statement, delivered by her spokesperson, reads.

"However, Albert and I had no choice but to follow the medical team's instructions even though it is extremely difficult. He has been the most incredible support to me," she continued.

"My daily conversations with Albert and my children help immensely to keep my spirits up, but I miss being with them. It was special to have my family visit me in South Africa, and it was truly wonderful seeing them. I can't wait to be reunited with them."

Royal fans suspect a cover-up, however. They believe that there could be one of two things happening. One is that the marriage between Albert and Charlene is truly over, and they're working out next steps.

The other theory is that Charlene may be covering up some medical procedures that are more voluntary than what's been suggested. At 43 years old, Charlene looks great, but she'd be far from the first woman looking to discreetly get some work done.