Mom Puts Out Ad To Hire Potty Trainer For $67 An Hour For Her Toddler Because She’s Too Busy

Most parents can agree: raising a kid isn't easy.

While some might take to parenting more naturally than others, I can't imagine that there's a mom or dad on earth who has never struggled with at least one aspect of child-rearing.

One thing that many parents dread is the eventual need to train their son or daughter to use the toilet. While changing diapers certainly isn't something that anyone looks forward to with glee, the process of convincing a kid to "do their business" into a strange porcelain seat is one that takes a lot of work.

One working couple gave potty training their toddler the old college try before deciding that it was time to turn the task over to the professionals — the potty training professionals, that is.

An anonymous 36-year-old mom located in Surrey, England, turned to a child care job site to seek a person who could potty train her 3-year-old daughter ahead of Christmas, offering a pretty sizable hourly wage of £50/hour (approximately $67/hour).

Scroll through to find out more about this unusual job listing!

Thumbnail Photo: Flickr / Jay Ryness

[H/T: Daily Mail]


In the job advertisement, posted to, the anonymous mom writes:

My husband and I are looking for a professional toilet trainer who can teach our 3-year-old daughter how to use the toilet before the 23rd December.

Pixabay / heymattallen

We are a family of three that live in the beautiful county of Surrey with our dog Rex.

Both of us work full time in demanding jobs, and we have previously tried to toilet train her, but unfortunately due to our busy careers we’ve realized we simply do not have the time to do so.


We are very conscious that our daughter should be using a toilet by now, and with the in laws coming over for Christmas, I am desperate to get her fully using the toilet by the 23rd December.

Wikimedia Commons / Horacio Villalobos

We already have a housekeeper who takes care of our daughter day to day, but we would like someone to solely concentrate on getting her using the toilet!

We’d also like the professional to coach us on how to teach our daughter to use the toilet, so we can continue to teach her when they’re not around.

Flickr / David D

Our ideal candidate will be someone with at least ten years’ experience in childcare, as she can be somewhat difficult and doesn’t respond well to authority — therefore we don’t think anyone who has just started out in the industry would be suitable.

Flickr / Tina Franklin

Previous experience in toilet training children is a must and we’d require multiple references demonstrating this.

Wikimedia Commons / drcorneilus

We are willing to pay the professional coach £50/hour to get her trained by the 23rd and if successful by this date we will also pay a handsome bonus! 10 hours of training, over five days per week would be ideal, but we are flexible and are willing to be negotiable for the right person.

If you feel you’re right for this job, please do get in touch!


Richard Conway, the founder of, responded to the unusual advertisement after it made waves online — and he doesn't find anything wrong with it at all!


Richard told Daily Mail:

Toilet training can be a real battle, I think it’s just assumed that it will be a case of showing kids how to use one and after a few weeks they’ll be good to go, which couldn’t be more untrue. It can be time consuming and some parents, for whatever reason, just can’t do it alone. I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of to admit that you need some professional help.

This family is willing to pay well for someone to teach their child in a short space of time, and I'm sure they'll be able to find someone, especially as they're willing to be flexible and seem very open to the professional's guidance. I'm sure the extra cash will come in handy right before Christmas as well! We're pleased they've used our platform to find the help they need. I'm sure our community of more than 500,000 childcare professionals will rally to their aid!

Flickr / Jay Ryness

What do you think about the idea of hiring someone else to potty train your child? Do you agree with Richard?

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