Christina is the mother of quadruplets — two girls and two boys. If raising four babies wasn't its own special brand of hectic, now that the quads are 5 years old and have started kindergarten, they each have their own tiny personalities. Every mother loves all of her children, but heavens knows they can get a little rowdy! Christina and her husband work full-time jobs, but her mother has graciously offered to babysit the little ones after school. However, Grandma likes her furniture and her clean home. The 5-year-old siblings, well, act like 5-year-old siblings; there's nothing wrong with that, but it would be nice if they had more of a designated play area instead of coloring on the walls and dinner table.
That's when Christina decided to call in the big guns. She shared her story with Tyra Banks and Leah Ashley of FABLife, who solved Christina's problem with less than $50. Leah went into Grandma's garage and found a ton of old junk including two old cribs she was planning on tossing. With a few simple modifications, fresh paint, and organization, the cribs instantly became two play desks for the quadruplets. Now they have a stunning craft station that any kid would beg their mom and dad for!
Please SHARE if you think this was one stunning home craft and wonderful solution for this busy grandma!