Everyone knows the most important question you should ask yourself when getting married: "Do we want a ring bearer and a flower girl?"
OK, so maybe that's not the most important question engaged couples encounter, but it definitely comes up. On one hand, it's adorable to see younger cousins, nephews or nieces dressed up in formal wear and joining in on the wedding. It definitely makes them feel more included.
On the other hand, if they get tired, cranky or, well, generally act like kids, they might start to disrupt the ceremony. Is their adorability worth it?
Well, 20 years ago, Brittney Husbyn and Briggs Fusy were asked to be the flower girl and ring bearer at a wedding in Minnesota. Many years later, the two happened to run into each other at a college course and recognized one another.
Now? They just tied the knot!
As you'll see in the video below, it was truly a "meant-to-be" romance. You have to feel bad for their ring bearer and flower girl—that's a tough act to follow!
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