15 Safe Spring Outdoor Activities Every Family Should Do Before Spring is Over

If you've been cooped up inside, it may be a good idea to start thinking of a safe spring activity for your kids to look forward to. Fun family activities in the spring are easier to find than they are in the winter, especially since spring is a time for decent weather and blooming flowers. Getting outdoors is definitely good for everyone's well-being.

Safe spring activities are also important to help keep your family motivated. While most of us parents have succumbed to extra screen time while indoors, being outside in the spring weather will help make up for it. You still might need a light jacket outside, but it'll be a lot better than snow boots and winter mittens.

Spring is a great season since it reminds people of growth. And that might inspire you to grow as a parent and try new experiences. The more fun memories you can create for yourself and your family, the better it'll be when you reflect upon these unprecedented times in the distant future. Here are 15 great spring activities for kids that everyone will be able to enjoy, regardless of age.

1. Go Hiking

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Hiking is a relatively safe spring activity that the whole family can enjoy. And by relatively safe, it just means that you'll have to use safety precautions, since certain hikes may be built for those who are more advanced when it comes to the great outdoors. It's fairly easy to find a good, family-friendly trail online. Even if it's a half hour away by car, it'll still be a great day trip that your kids won't stop talking about. Pick a day when it's sunny but not sweltering, and make sure you pack plenty of water.

2. Attend a Local Craft Fair

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Have you ever been to an outdoor craft fair? It's a lot of fun. Many towns block off a main street for a community fair. Others hold them at a park in order to let artists have more space to display their creations.

This is a safe spring activity that might inspire you to be more creative. During these times indoors, many artists used paint, clay, beads, colored pencils, cameras, or even pastels to depict their own emotions artistically. Not only will you be spending time outside with your family, but you'll also be supporting local artists. Just make sure to wear a mask as you're making new local connections.

3. Plant a Family Garden

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Planting a garden is a great spring activity that's both safe and important. When you plant your own vegetables, you're more likely to actually eat them. This can also be fun and educational for kids. They might have learned that sunlight, water, and soil can help a garden grow. But do they know about weeding, pruning, and pest control? Teach your children to be avid gardeners while spending time together outside.

4. Make a Fun New Drink To Welcome the Warmer Weather

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

It doesn't have to be alcoholic — especially with kids in the house. Nonalcoholic drink mixes are easy and fun to concoct. Try making a strawberry lemonade or a Shirley Temple. It may be easier to buy an Arnold Palmer at the grocery store, but mixing together iced tea and lemonade at home will likely be less expensive — and much tastier. If you want to make this spring activity even more fun, try holding a family contest. The person who creates the most delicious concoction gets to choose where to pick up dinner.

5. Go Birdwatching

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Need a little bit of silence in your life? Then you might want to suggest birdwatching. Not only is it a fun event that inspires your children to be quiet, but it's also quite educational. If you live in an area with a lot of trees, you'll be in luck. Take pictures of the different birds you see and then try to identify them, either in the moment or back at home. Springtime is a great time to see robins and ducklings, if you happen to be a fan.

6. Take a Family Drive to a Random Destination

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

This might not be an ideal spring activity if you have very young kids, but it can be very exciting if your children are at an age where they love a good daytime adventure. Back when most of us had to drive to work, getting in the car on the weekends seemed like a pain. These days, with more people working from home, a car can be fun again. Find some great parks the next town over. Or just drive and see where the road takes you. It can also be a fun spring activity to get your family together to create a great road trip playlist.

7. Take a Family Walk Around the Block

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Taking a walk is a safe spring activity that the whole family can enjoy. If you live in a busy neighborhood, wearing masks on your walk is a healthy practice to get in that'll make your walk safer for you, your family members, and other pedestrians you may pass.

In general, spring is a great time to get moving. Doing some stretches before heading out will help you feel more ready to take on the neighborhood. You and your family can also play games while on the walk. Try counting how many neighbors have a specific brand of car, or see how many trees you pass as you go.

8. Buy (or Rent) Bicycles

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

If your children are old enough and eager to learn, this spring can be the spring where they finally learn how to ride bikes. Even younger children can participate if they have a tricycle or a bike trailer. Find a neighborhood area with a cul-de-sac so you don't have to worry about excessive traffic. And of course, make sure your children know about the importance of helmets. They really do save lives, and they look a lot more fun than they did a few decades ago.

9. Find an Unusual Time To Visit the Beach

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Or perhaps find an unusual beach area that's not commonly used for vacations. Being outside is much safer during this time than inside, and the beach can be a great destination if you're practicing social distancing. During the spring, the sand is nowhere near as crowded as it is in the summer. Take advantage of this time now. You might not be able to dip in the ocean, but you'll be able to get away for a bit. If it's enjoyable, who knows? It may end up turning into a yearly tradition.

10. Plan a Picnic

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

When was the last time you had a picnic? And when was the last time you went all out on a picnic? I'm talking basket, picnic blanket, and plenty of delicious premade sandwiches. Picnics are a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors as a family. Even if you're just planning on eating on the grass outside in your backyard, it'll still be a meaningful spring experience. (Just make sure to avoid the ants!)

11. Visit a Petting Zoo

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

You'll want to do your research to make sure you find the right one — and that's one where the animals are properly cared for. Many include only outdoor animals, like sheep and goats, who will be happy to see you. Good petting zoos can be a great learning experience for young children — and they can create an incredible childhood memory.

12. See If the Library Is Open

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Many libraries have offered safe ways to browse books. A family trip to the library can be a great spring activity for new readers. You can introduce your children to books you always loved as a kid. The best part about a library is that it's literally filled with adventure.

Every title in the library is an adventure of sorts — especially if it's a fictional work. Now's a great time to explore Hatchet by Gary Paulsen or Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. If you choose a book you can read to your child every night, you'll also get to feel nostalgic about the titles that helped create your own love of reading.

13. Fly Kites Together

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

Have you ever flown a kite before? Not only is it a wonderful spring activity, but it's also a great activity for the family. Kids are often fascinated by kites, and letting them fly their own will give them a sense of freedom.

Kites for kids can be fun and colorful. While even basic kites can be fun, there's something thrilling about seeing a more intricate and animated kite fly in the sky. All you need is either a beach or field without a lot of trees nearby — and a good supply of wind.

14. Make Big Collages Together Outside With Sidewalk Chalk

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

When the snow melts and is no longer a weather concern, it's officially sidewalk chalk season. Sidewalk chalk is a great way for kids to express their creativity. It's also a good way for parents to play with their kids outside. You can cheer up the neighborhood together with quotes of the day or chalk characters of the day, or just play a game of tic-tac-toe. Chalk is endless fun and can create plenty of fun springtime memories. While chalk can also be a great solo activity for kids, they'll cherish the time you spend with them if you also participate.

15. Camp Outdoors

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn

If you're new to camping, perhaps the first experience should be right in your backyard — it'll be a nice change of pace for your children, and you won't have to worry about too many wild animals. But if your kids enjoy camping, perhaps you can take it to the next level and plan a camping vacation for the family.

Camping is a wonderful way to get to know and explore nature. And it's also a good practice in taking away some of the comforts that kids have learned to depend on. While they might not opt for a sleeping bag instead of a bed most nights, it'll at least be a fun one-time experience for them. And with mom and dad by their side, any sort of fear will just melt away. Just make sure to check the outdoor weather and nightly temperatures to find a night when you'll be the most comfortable.