As humans, it's just tough for us to naturally perform social distancing. However, we need to do the best we can. And yes, that means thinking up alternate ways to see our family members.
Many of us, unfortunately, live a distance away from mom and dad. But thankfully, FaceTime and Zoom and other video chat services are excellent tools that have brought us together. Still, it's also challenging to have a relative live so close right now. Can you imagine being young and seeing your beloved grandpa across the street and not being able to give him a hug?
A 6-year-old named Kira Neely is lucky enough to live right across the street from her Papa and Grandmama. During times like these, they must be especially grateful to have an easy way to check up on each other.
But since they can't be physically close, they've figured out a way to be together with social distancing. And it may just be the cutest collaboration of all time. Who knew Papa was such an excellent dancer?
Kira's mom, Sherrie Neely, shared the video online. She likely didn't expect it to go viral. After all, she was just sharing a cute and sweet moment of her daughter trying to find creative ways to cope and stay close during such a troubling time.
Today loved it so much that the show shared the video on its Instagram account. In the video, you can see Kira and Papa dancing to a classic "ABC" by the Jackson 5. They each take turns, turning it into a funny (and very goofy) group dance.
"I haven't posted on fb in forever…but I love this video so much!" Sherrie said in her first post. "This is the street that separates my house from my parent's house, and is typically crossed multiple times throughout the day. Kira loves her 'Papa' so much and they've now started daily 'dance offs' since the virus is keeping them separated."
"My Dad is turning 81 years old next month and I've never seen him dance, but he's really putting forth great effort and has some special moves!!!!" she added. "I'm sure the workers think we're crazy!!!" No matter what, this video will serve as a wonderful memory of such a tough time.
Sherrie's video was shared over 21,000 times. Not only did Today pick it up, but E! did as well. This may be a great start if Papa and Kira ever want to make a career out of it. It's obvious that they're both quite skilled.
The video is important for a few reasons. For one, it shows that the family is taking social distancing seriously. It may be tempting to go over and visit in person, but the family is well-aware that it may end up bringing more harm than good — especially to Papa.
It seems extreme, but it's the best thing we can do for the people we love. And it's very obvious in the video that Kira and Papa love each other. "Seriously a love like this is amazing," one commenter said on Today's Instagram page. "These are tough times, but the love will get them through. Thanks for sharing!"
Sherrie's friends were also very supportive and thankful for the share. "Thank you for posting this and allowing us to share," friend Lisa Martin wrote. "It is sure to brighten the days of many. Be sure to save this somewhere that your daughter can keep it for a lifetime. If she ever wonders if she’s loved or lovable, all she needs to do is watch that."
During these periods where many of us are self-isolating, there are still plenty of great ways to stay connected with each other. These types of connections will help lift our mood and make us feel a bit less lonely. Now's the perfect time to give video calls a try.
We can also write letters to our loved ones. Grandma and Grandpa would love to hear from you. While there are some ways you can make the mail even safer, the New York Times reports that boxes and packages may be slightly safer than you think.
“The C.D.C. has advised that there is a low risk of transmission on packages," Matthew O’Connor, a spokesman for UPS, said in a statement, per the New York Times. "The guidance from the W.H.O. is that the likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low, and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, traveled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low."
You could also host similar dance-offs through video calls. All you need are some good tunes and a good sense of humor. Just make sure that you know your own limits — again, we're all trying our hardest to stay healthy all around, not just due to the virus.
Just know that pretty soon, if we all adhere to social distancing, the memories we have in-person with our loved ones will be even sweeter. We'll know that our closest relationships can survive all types of obstacles. And we'll appreciate each piece of correspondence even more.
Another great thing about Papa and Kira's video? Kira's mom learned something new about her father that she never knew before. She didn't know he could dance like that. So you should use this time apart to learn something new about your relatives. Ask them questions over the phone, and let them tell you their stories.
Even if you can't dance, you can be inspired to reach out. Even if you want to check up on a friend you lost contact with. Now is the time. While people are still busy (and worried), they have a lot less on their plate than they did before.
Let's hope that the Neely family shares even more videos of Papa and Kira. Since they dance every day, surely there are a bunch of amazing dance moves that the world hasn't seen yet. With a bond like the one they have, these videos will never get old.
Always check with your health care provider concerning any symptoms you may be experiencing, and seek the most accurate information from the CDC and your state’s health department.