Moms-to-be are always looking for unique and creative ways to honor their pregnancies and the lives that are growing inside them.
In today's day and age, it seems like parents are really celebrating every moment of pregnancy. They have adorable pregnancy announcement photos and videos, huge gender reveal parties, and entire social media accounts dedicated to their babies once they're born.
And every week, it seems like the celebrations get more and more extravagant. Back in the day, expecting parents would just tell people they were having a baby — maybe they'd show them a sonogram image. Getting an ultrasound was something the couple would experience together, but now it seems like many couples want to share the experience with the whole world.
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Now people get their sonograms printed on T-shirts, made into cakes — the list goes on and on. And the newest trend? Manicures. That's right, expecting moms are using their sonograms to create one-of-a-kind nail art!
One of the latest nail art trends is sonogram manicures. Moms-to-be are using the images taken during their ultrasounds and having manicurists paint them on their nails.
While baby shower nails and gender reveal nails have been popular for a while, this is the first time sonogram nails have become trendy.
Some people use their nails to celebrate their babies, even before they're born.
As sonogram nails become more popular, more and more nail artists are learning how to create the intricate images on their clients' fingernails.

The photos have made their way around Instagram and Facebook, and commenters have been quick to leave their thoughts.

Some parents absolutely love the idea, while others think it's a little too much.

One blogger took to Facebook to say she would definitely get nails like this if she had another baby.

Some people think the nails are a fun way to celebrate pregnancy.
The nail designs are super intricate and beautiful, but they're not everyone's cup of tea.
"This is so weird to me," wrote one person.
Another said, "so I just saw this and yeah sorry that's a no from me."
Although most women who do their nails like this are pregnant, some have lost their babies.
One woman uses her ultrasound nails as a loving reminder of the baby she lost.
"This manicure has been a long time coming," she wrote. "After three years and numerous fertility treatments, my hubby and I finally conceived in April. On May 30, my heart was broken when I found out my baby was no longer living and growing, and he was taken from me the next day."

She continued: "I lost all inspiration as I struggled with the grief. I learned how to love him and his brief life and move forward with renewed hope. I love you jelly bean, and seeing you on my nails makes me smile."
What do you think of this creative trend? Would you ever do your nails like this?