Six months ago, 53-year-old Sylvia Ward thought she had fixed her roof. Then water began to seep through. One night, the ceilings in her bedroom and her 9-year-old granddaughter Carla's bedroom completely caved in.
The Sheetrock literally collapsed on Carla. “I had to kind of dig her out from underneath the Sheetrock and the insulation and water pouring on her, she didn't even know, she slept right through it,” Sylvia said. Thank goodness, Carla was OK. For the past two months, as the ceilings got worse, Sylvia and Carla have essentially been living in one room of the house. Sylvia is confined to a wheelchair, due to a rare disease called Buerger's disease, and she had both of her legs and most of her fingers amputated.
“I have to call people to come help me and that is not who I am,” she said, pridefully. Little did Sylvia know, her past as a biker would come back as a blessing. When Doug Anaya, President of the Hellfighters Soul Snatchers Club, got word of her story, he rallied the troops. Together, the group is literally putting a roof over Sylvia's and Carla's heads. Sylvia was brought to tears.
“We are happy we can help,” Doug said. “Everybody just stepped up and said, 'We'll just go ahead and take care of it.'" The bikers got a local roofing business to provide Sylvia with a new roof: free of charge!
Communities come in all forms, sometimes it's your local church or fire department, and sometimes it's the tough-looking men and women on motorcycles — who aren't so scary after all.
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