No one will ever be able to replace Michael Jackson as a pop music and culture pioneer… but there will always be plenty of people attempting to emulate him.
MJ's dance moves are beyond compare. The control that he had over his body movement was a style that no one had really quite seen before, though Jackson definitely had his influences. Now, tons of young dancers are using that same idea to further evolve the world of dance.
When this young performer, who goes by Willie the Entertainer, steps onstage… you'd never expect what he's about to do.
"Smooth Criminal" comes on over the speakers, and he and his fellow MJ impersonators begin to bust out the moves. While his backup dancers are doing way better than I'd ever be able to do, Willie stands miles above his peers… and miles above most adults I know!
Watching this 8-year-old is almost like watching the King of Pop himself. The way he's able to almost exactly emulate the style of movement is hard to believe… but you better believe it! This kid is definitely going places if he decides to pursue dance. If he's this good at such a young age, who knows what he'll be capable of when he's older.
Make sure you watch for the smile on his face…
Please SHARE this talented young dancer with your friends and family on Facebook!