Grandparents are the absolute best. No matter what you do, you are always the perfect angel in their eyes. They treat everyday with you like it's your birthday or a holiday, spoiling you with love and presents. And they ALWAYS have your favorite food ready for you when you come over.
But with all of the goodies and love aside, sometimes grandparents are the best simply because they are the funniest.
The two sets of soon to be grandparents in this video make us laugh for all different sorts of reasons.
Whether they are being funny on purpose, like the grandpa who played a hilarious pie-in-face game with his grandson, or they are laughing with you at something they have done, like the grandpa who couldn't help but laugh at himself when he got stuck in the car with a tight seatbelt, they are always able to find the humor in things…especially themselves!
When their kids attempt to surprise them via pregnancy announcement cake, their eyesight doesn't quite allow them to make out the sonogram photos that are carefully made to look like slot machine pictures. ("It's an alligator!")
So, the soon to be parents resort to plan B and have them check the oven…for the bun.
After much deliberation, and saying the words "bun" and "oven" in as many different ways as possible, one grandparent finally realizes what's going on.
While we would caution for future moms to try a different method, if you are going to get a response like this, you really can't beat it!
If these grandparents made you laugh, please SHARE!