Little Boy Brings Dirty Sock To Class For Show-And-Tell So Mom Thanks Preschool Teachers Online

Dealing with young children all day long can be exhausting, and yet there are some incredible people out there who willingly do it.

You know who I'm talking about: preschool teachers. Having one little kid around is challenging enough as it is, but having a room full of 3- and 4-year-olds can be a nightmare.

Despite the difficulties, preschool teachers somehow remain positive. They're always smiling, even when little ones are climbing their legs or pulling their hair.

Karen, a stay-at-home mom, recently wrote a letter on Facebook thanking preschool instructors for all they do.

Karen told LittleThings, "I was a teacher, and always want to show gratitude to all teachers of all ages, because I know how hard they work and the challenges they face. Yet they come to work and love our kids and play an incredibly vital role in their lives, so they should be appreciated!"

Photos: Facebook 1, 2 / The 21st Century SAHM

[H/T: ScaryMommy]

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

Karen's Facebook post quickly got a lot of attention.

Within less than a week, the post had over 9,300 likes and over 4,400 shares.

Wikimedia / Marine Corps photo by Christine Cabalo

Karen wrote:

This is a shout-out to all preschool teachers. I truly cannot imagine the things you must see.

This morning was a hot mess morning, and we were running late.

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

I told my 4yo to get in the car but he hadn’t had breakfast yet.

So I threw a cheese stick at him in the backseat (as all good mothers do) and told him to make sure he had it all eaten by the time we got to school.

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

Only after he hopped out and skipped happily into the building did I see it — from across the school lawn, a glimpse of a his chubby little hand, holding a white, slimy cheese stick that he’d been holding for ten minutes and never ate. And he walked right into school with it.

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

And then, later in the day, you lovingly accepted this dirty sock as his submission for Letter S show and tell day.

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

Please know that I try. I tried to get him to take his sister’s stuffed animal sloth for show and tell. I suggested a Skylander. And a soccer ball.
But the dirty sock won because there are only so many battles this mama can fight.

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

And please know that I would never willingly send my child into school holding a warm cheese stick that may or may not be covered in his saliva.

Wikimedia / Senior Master Sgt. David Lipp

Thank you for taking him, just as he is. For taking all of us. For loving him. For teaching him.

For letting him throw his uneaten breakfast away and for saying, "Yes, sock DOES start with S! Good job!"

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

I don’t know how or why you do it, but love you.

What do you think of this mama’s thank-you note to preschool teachers?

Facebook / The 21st Century SAHM

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