The judges appeared skeptical when four old ladies apprehensively walked on stage at Britain’s Got Talent, holding hands and acting incredibly shy. But as soon as the music kicked in, their tap dance routine left the judges open-mouthed in amazement.
Prepared to be delighted by the Cocooners — four women in their Golden Years who have a combined age of 293. However, their ages don't keep them from pursuing their passion in life — dancing! As you’ll see, the judges didn’t have high hopes for the group, but just a few seconds in, they were shocked by the audition! I mean, do these gals have the moves, or what?! Even Simon is impressed, which is difficult for any performer to accomplish.
Biggest smile I’ve had all day. Like the old woman who stopped in front of a street performer to bust out some amazing moves, the Cocooners prove there’s no age limit on having fun, and doing so in style. Just wait until you see when they strip off their granny dresses to reveal their stunning costumes underneath!
Enjoy the performance below, and please SHARE this funny video with all your family and friends on Facebook!